Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Compelling Letter From a Parent

I have no idea what I am going to do. I signed your petition and I fear that it may not be enough :o(
I saw in the paper that my child's school will be one they turn into year-round, and I know for a fact that if that school goes year-round, the school will lose A LOT of great teachers! She will be going into kindergarten this fall. I will also have a child in middle school and 2 in high school. I fear that I will have to move next year to keep my child on a traditional calendar like the one WE ALL GREW UP WITH!!
My main problem is that my ex lives far away and I am bound by a court order to turn my oldest 3 over to him for the summers and Spring breaks & after Xmas. If the schools go year round, how am I going to break the court order? I can’t afford to hire a lawyer, and believe me, their father will want them for his FULL SUMMERS!

I am beyond stressed out. My child won’t be able to attend Band Camp and Governors School. How is he going to keep his FULL TIME JOB over the summers to pay for his car insurance.
And my dad has stage 3 cancer and lives In Florida. He looks forward to us coming down in August and Thanksgivings for a few weeks at a time.

I know I have just poured my heart out to you but if you can think of anyway I can help or what should I do, please, please call me.

Thank You So Much..
Lysa Long


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