Friday, September 01, 2006


REMEMBER that this coming Tuesday, September 5, the Wake County School Board is to release the names of the schools they have kept on the mandatory year-round conversion list. The meeting will begin at 2:00 in the Administrative offices on Wake Forest Road., but I wouldn’t wait until the last minute because parking is sometimes a problem. A huge turnout at this meeting will make a strong statement, not only to the board members, but to everyone who reads and/or sees about this in the media. In spite of what you’re being told, DON’T believe for a minute that this is already a “done deal”!! In fact, after the official vote on Tuesday, opposition to the forcing of year-round school attendance will increase. Plans have been underway to spread information to the public, and to rally opposition groups. This is far from over, and never forget that an awful lot is going on behind the scenes! Please make every effort to come to the meeting on Tuesday, and bring others with you. This is very important!!!


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