Monday, February 26, 2007

To Save, or Not to Save - That is the Question

There's an interesting article in Friday's "Beaufort Gazette."  Here are some excerpts:

"While the Beaufort County Board of Education is toying with idea of eliminating year-round schools to save money, educators in Wake County, N.C., are examining them as cost-savers. Wake County residents last fall approved a nearly $1 billion bond referendum to build schools, but it wasn't large enough to satisfy all the system's needs to house students. Consequently, officials are examining a year-round calendar to alleviate crowding. According to The News & Observer of Raleigh, the year-round approach adds seating capacity without having to build more classrooms because more students can be accommodated in schools that are used 12 months a year. The school board plans to put new elementary and middle schools on a year-round footing and to convert a couple of dozen schools to year-round, to hold down construction costs, the newspaper reported. In Beaufort County, officials say they can save about $500,000 by eliminating year-round schools."


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