Thursday, May 04, 2006

Ode to Wake County Public School System

A Wake County parent sent this creation to the Wake legislative contingent, and graciously allowed us to reproduce it here:

Ode to Wake County Public School System
Oh schools of mine in the county of Wake
Many puddles you gathered to form your big lake
Shiny shallow waters now muddy and deep
No sense of community at all do we keep
Now rather than learning your students are drowning
The smiles have faded--the parents are frowning
S. M. McBean says "Year round will fix it."
As he headed off to the "Developers Banquet."
“And the lottery, too." Said McBean to his pupils
(Though numbers were small and it cost our scruples)
And he laughed at the irony hidden within
Expecting gold when you're trading in tin
They want no more taxes and also great schools
Something for nothing, the anthem of fools
Year round just delays the inevitable cost
And adds to that fee more community lost
I'd like to go on but I must go to bed
Too often this school system is hurting my head (& heart)
-Matt Clawson
Wake County Resident
Parent of WCPSS Students


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