Friday, September 01, 2006

Disturbing Quotes

Keung Hui posted the following quotes on his N&O blog this afternoon. If these quotes by certain School Board members are accurate, then we need to keep blasting hundreds of emails to them, even if just to say, “I am still opposed to mandatory year-round school attendance.” Statements such as theirs should only make us more determined than ever to stop being treated as if we don’t exist. This is all the more reason we need to show up in droves at the 2:00 School Board meeting on Tuesday. Please spread the word to all citizens who want to maintain a say-so in how our schools are run – not just to those parents whose schools are on the conversion list. Here’s a portion of what Mr. Hui wrote:

“Given the change, we only heard a limited number of people expressing a strong opinion,” Parry said. “We need to keep this in mind.”
While choice between traditional and year-round calendars is important, board vice chairwoman Rosa Gill said “choice shouldn’t be a guiding factor.”
Board member Beverley Clark added that when people say they want choice, they really mean they don’t want change.
“Change is much harder for adults than children,” Clark said. “Choice is perceived as a way of avoiding change.”

Let them hear from you!


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