"Opt Out" Survey
You may have heard about the school calendar survey ( very rough example) that the WCPSS just sent out to families who "opted out" of year-round schools. David Holdzkom, assistant superintendent for evaluation and research with WCPSS, is the contact person. To request a survey form, call 850-1863. They are due back Oct. 12. There are a lot of questions surrounding the survey, such as: What about those families who "opted out" prior to Judge Manning's ruling? Some have indicated that they haven't received a form. Were they supposed to? Also, some parents are questioning why the results will be summarized across sub-groups.
What the public really needs to see is a list of those who stayed at their converted school, but wrote "under duress" and other such comments on their consent forms - the ones who didn't want to "opt out" for some unknown location.
Anyway - just wanted to pass this along.