Monday, January 16, 2006

Great Letter!

If enough of us speak out (to the media, city and county leaders, etc.) like Lisa Nesbitt did in her letter to the N&O published in Sunday’s Forum (scroll down to last letter on the linked page), then we can get the School Board to see that mandated year-round schools are not an acceptable option. Here’s an excerpt:

“In the debate over traditional vs. year-round schools, the constant refrain from the pro-year round camp is try it, you'll like it. Then I read that Wake school board members believe that providing more information about the year-round calendar will be helpful, and that they need to educate people to help our community adjust (article, Jan. 4)

“There seems to be this overriding notion that those of us who prefer a traditional calendar are not terribly bright and in fact just stubborn and resistant to change. Apparently, we are unable to consider the pros and cons and decide what is best for our kids.”

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Worthwhile 5 Minutes (or Less)

Every single one of us can spare a few minutes to fill out this important survey. Now is your chance to weigh in on what you would like to see in Wake County's new school Superintendent. In my opinion, every Wake County citizen (not just parents) should take advantage of this opportunity, since our school situation affects the entire community. Please pass this on to others - DEADLINE: January 24

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Continue to Speak Out About Mandatory Year-Rounds

I would love to start out with a "Happy New Year" to everyone, but after reading the N&O Wednesday morning, it's suddenly hard for me to shout out that greeting. I wish I had a simple answer for all of you who are asking, "What can I do to stop the mandating of year-round schools?" Please know that I continue to do everything I can think of to convince the "powers that be" that this simply will not work. I continue to pass on data from countless studies, as well as first-hand accounts from leaders whose systems tried this approach, only to abandon it after nearly destroying their schools and communities. I will attend the forum in Apex Thursday night (see my earlier post here) and hope all opponents of the reassignment plan will be present.

For now, just continue to bombard all school, business, and other county leaders with calls, emails, and even letters through the regular mail. A largescale conversion to year-round schools will deeply impact almost every aspect of life in our community. I know it gets old after awhile, but please keep it up. One School Board member told me yesterday that he has gotten hundreds of emails from parents opposed to splitting up their high school students, but very few from parents opposed to mandatory year-rounds.

I have also urged Board members to study innovative ideas that have proven highly successful in other areas. One of those involves saving on construction (and time) by building schools in existing facilities (strip malls, warehouses, etc.). From what I understand, such options have not even been discussed.

I am in touch with various School Board members on a weekly basis, and will be meeting with one of them on Friday. How they can make a decision of this magnitude with so little information on hand is beyond me. All it takes is a look at the past to see that the potential repercussions of their decisions could be devastating to all of Wake County. We must make it very clear that we will not just stand by and let this happen.

I actually took some time off to be with family over Christmas, but will try to keep my blog more updated now. Please read the links I include from time to time, and encourage others to do the same. I couldn't begin to print out all of the invaluable information that I want to share with you, but I can certainly make it one click away! The more citizens who know the whole story about mandatory year-round conversions, the better.

Thanks again for joining the fight against something that is just plain wrong!


Sunday, January 01, 2006

January 5th Public Forum on WCPSS Reassignment Plan

If at all possible, please plan to attend this forum on Thursday night in Apex. It is extremely important that we represent our concerns by being physically present at this type of event.

School Reassignment Forum
Mayor Keith H. Weatherly and the Town of Apex will host a public forum on the Wake County School Reassignment Plan. The forum will be held at the Apex Town Hall Thursday, January 5, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Apex Town Council Chambers, 73 Hunter Street, Town Campus. Members of the Wake County Board of Education, and other elected officials will be invited to attend.
The purpose of the meeting will be to address immediate and future reassignment issues. This will provide for an opportunity for direct engagement with municipal leaders and other elected officials. Other topics will include the precedent for reassignment and how the process might be improved, assistance in navigating the appeals process and proper ways to work with school board representatives. We believe this forum will create an opportunity for public comment and future collaboration among all concerned to help achieve the best possible reassignment solutions for our children.
For more information, please email to: